Thursday 29 September 2011

Stop Motion Animation

What we learnt today ... today we have had a look on vimeo at some cut out animations and put examples of them onto our blogs we also started to cut out images from magazines which we will use to create our own cut out animation in our groups of 4, in my group there is myself, Amy Fall, Dan Charlton and Adam Angell. Next lesson we will start to come up with a storyboard for our video and we will start to film our animation which we will then upload onto our blogs for everyone to see Enjoy XD. 

Stop Motion Animation

We are learning about Cut out animation and below is an example of it so enjoy XD

Thursday 22 September 2011

Time Lapse

My Groups Time lapse Enjoy XD

Stop Motion Animation

Time Lapse Animation

Today in the lesson we experimented with creating our own time lapse animation with our groups of 3. In my group was Adam Angell, Amy Fall and Myself we created a 15 second animation using iStopMotion which takes a photo every 2 seconds. We then created a account on and started to look at a few of other peoples time lapse and one of my favorites is shown below. A time lapse is a series photographs showing small changes over a period of time. The camera is set to go off at regular intervals and when played back it gives the impression of movement.

Enjoy XD

Kaleidoscope Ferris Wheel from Brian Hallett on Vimeo.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Pre Production

I'm in class researching different websites/media stations and in groups we are discussing what media there is present on the website and what we like about each website XD

Thursday 15 September 2011

Stop Motion Animation

Persistence of vision 

Persistence of vision is a theory which states that the human eye always retains images for a fraction of a second roughly 0.04 second. This means that everything we see is a blend of what's happening now and what happened 0.04 second ago. We don't notice the fractional skips between images because that persistence fills in the momentary gap to make the motion seem seamless. XD

Thursday 8 September 2011

Here is some of my photoshop work enjoy XD

Transporter Bridge With a Contrast Of Colours XD

Welcome to EmJay17's profile

This is my first post from my new blog enjoy. I have started a new college and I am loving it I've met some nice new friends who are awesome as well as friends I already knew XD